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Tuesday, March 27, 2007





(CHICAGO)(March 26, 2007) Who'd a thunk it? Tickets on the "Obama Skeptics Bus" are selling like hotcakes.

Somehow Obama the glib Kenyan witch doctor is slowly falling to earth. And not in the White house.

Obama's cult may still have drawing power among the unwashed masses of the Democratic Party. But among the washed media, skepticism is rapidly setting in.

As if waking from deep winter hibernation, media types have suddenly started demanding the same high standards of candor and accuracy from Barack Obama that they impose on others in public life.

Obama's father, the Kenyan bigamist/predator who seduced an unsophisticated 18 year-old student, Obama's mother, stands exposed in today's Chicago Tribune (March 27) as someone who "never asked about his ex-wife or his son." Owww. So, as I have written so often in the past two and a half years, Barack Obama, Jr.'s "Dreams From my Father" are really dreams from himself. They are the bleeding wounds and cries of a young child abandoned by a callous and greedy psychopath from Kenya. That explains why Obama is the most fantasy and deception-prone candidate in a long, long time. His real life was utterly unbearable.

Indeed, Washington Post Columnist Richard Cohen performs the ultimate indignity on Barry O today: he compares Obama's fantasy "movie" to that of the Democrats' nemesis: President Ronald Reagan. I guess that makes Obama a "Reagan Democrat." Or at least Richard Cohen thinks so.

Cohen calls Obama a man seeking to "wrap raw ambition," as a "successful packager of himself" in the service of "manipulating facts" who is "starring in his own movie." And that from a favorable columnist.

Another newspaper waking from a deep sleep is the Chicago Tribune where today's "Swamp" catalogues the shift in coverage of Obama from positive to negative. The Obamacrats in the media are starting to abandon ship.
The Tribune goes so far as to expose a forgotten side of Obama's family life. His mother was "from Kansas," but her formative teen years were spent on Mercer Island, Washington outside Seattle. Those years are virtually missing from Obama's compendium. It's interesting that it has taken the Tribune three (3, count 'em) years to start looking at Obama critically.

Both Tribune reporter Frank James and Mr. Cohen focus on a "Dreams" story extensively examined by the Tribune, in which Obambi claims to have been seared by the sight of a Life Magazine cover. It turns out the entire episode was a fabrication and fantasy of Barry O. Never happened. More ammunition for my forthcoming lawsuit that Obama's book should be shelved under "Fiction" and not "Biography."

James notes that at a recent forum Obama said among his qualifications for the White House was his work on "nuclear proliferation." The claim that Obama has any credentials in the area of nuclear proliferation is even more of a hoot that Al Gore's claim he invented the Internet. Still, reporters are stating to pick up on Obama's lies. Better late than never.

Obama was 34 years old when he wrote "Dreams." And the book is filled with fantasy, fabrication and imagination. Great fiction but not the kind of work that would commend itself to a young lawyer.

Lawyers like facts, precision, accuracy and, above all, "candor to the tribunal." Obama' propensity to lie may explain why he has never been before a tribunal in any meaningful way.
Maybe that's why both Obama and his wife have surrendered their licenses to practice law in Illinois. Too demanding, too detailed-oriented, too lawyerlike for them.

Jennifer Hunter, someone to whom I probably owe an apology for my initial thought she might be an Obama flack on the Sun-Times staff, produced a searing "book review" March 26th of Obama's second book, "The Audacity of Hope," calling the tome a "grind," "cod liver oil," and "hard to swallow." Whoa. Hunter says the book "bores me to tears." I do not think Ms. Hunter would have exhibited such devastating candor a month ago. She is now. Jennifer, if the book moved you to tears, there is more to the Obama fantasyland; keep crying.

Hunter looks like she has peeked at our own psychological study of Obama—still the best analysis of his convoluted and conflicted psyche. Hunter says she wants "more answers" about the role Obama's 18 year-old mother's struggles played in his anger. Well.

It was only a month ago, during's "Obama Week," that we were still a lonely voice focusing attention on Obama's psychological profile and disturbing family history. Aside from me, the "Obama Skeptics Bus" was empty.

Now the seats are filling rapidly.

I produce a newspaper called "" precisely because most reporters often miss the real significance of news. They parrot what hucksters like Witch Doctor Obama want them to say. They do not act this way because reporters are necessarily evil; they do so because they are prisoners of the "news cycle."

CCC has time for a more analytical approach, and over the past 2-1/2 years our efforts have paid off in trend-setting investigative reporting on "The Real Obama."

Finally, the Internet is a great discipline. A great leveler. A "Great Equalizer," the Colt. 45 of Communications. You can see what we have written, and what others did not; and you can see what others are writing now, following in our footsteps.

Boys and Girls of the media, "All Aboard the Obama Bus." There's more to say, more to investigate, and more to reveal about Mr. Obama, someone who is probably a very decent person but nevertheless totally unfit to sit in the Oval Office.

Of course, if you had paid attention to my comments in 1999, you would have heard me say "George Bush wants to bomb Iraq." Now where did I get that idea? In 1999?

Chicago-based Internet journalist, broadcaster and critic Andy Martin is the Executive Editor and publisher of © Copyright by Andy Martin 2007. Martin covers national and world politics with forty years of personal experience. Columns also posted at; Comments? E-mail: Media contact: (866) 706-2639.


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