Andy Martin: Contrarian Commentary

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Location: Manchester, New Hampshire, United States

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

The New Face of War in Ukraine: Part One - Conventional Wisdom is Wrong



United States military and intelligence analyst/investigator Andy Martin told a Kyiv news conference Thursday, May 12 that the Putin-Obama-Biden War represents a “New Face of War.” Andy believes the conventional wisdom about the status of Putin’s war-making potential is mistaken, and that aid approved by Congress and signed by the President will demolish Russian forces by Christmas. “Russian leaders, who exist in a bubble, have no idea what is about to hit the invaders in Ukraine,” Andy says. Andy, who has worked in Washington for many decades, is also a New Hampshire, Republican U. S. Senate candidate.

(Editor’s note: This report was originally prepared on May 12. But because of the need to go “in the field” for firsthand observation, final editing and posting were delayed. Therefore, you may see observations about battles and war progress taking place after May 12.)



Global News and Commentary

London, New York, Washington

The Internet Powerhouse”

Andy Martin, J.D.

Adjunct Professor of Law

Executive Editor and Producer

One of America’s most respected

independent intelligence analysts

and military investigators

Journalism that is factually correct,

not politically correct”



[Please feel free to post, repost and email this news release, with the copyright notice attached]

(Kyiv, Ukraine)(May 12, 2022)

1. Before the start of the war

It is hard to find Ukrainians outside the government who believed Russia would invade. Putin’s saber-rattling was thought to be just that, rattling. Life in Kyiv was stressed but close to normal. The world changed on February 24th.

Dictator (not “president”) Putin has said the collapse of the Soviet Union was a great geopolitical tragedy. Putin's invasion of Ukraine will eventually lead to the collapse of Russia and its remaining empire. The hatred and bitterness against Russia you find in Ukraine will not disappear for decades. Putin has destroyed Russia’s future. Ukraine will recover and rebuild. Putin will not survive the loss of McDonald's. Hundreds of thousands of young Russians have abandoned their country. Few will return.

So where does that leave the war, what I call “the new face of war.”

Few knew what would happen if shooting actually started. (U. S. and especially UK intelligence did believe that Russia was about to attack; American and British troops training Ukrainians were withdrawn so they would not be caught in the line of fire.)

But, really, no one was paying attention to the Ukrainian forces of 2022; observers were focused on reminiscences of Russia’s attack in 2014. The “conventional wisdom” was that Ukraine would collapse and submit to control by Russia. “Surrender” is certainly what the “bubble” inside the Kremlin expected.

2. During the early phase of the war

Once the Russian invasion actually began, the conventional wisdom was that Ukraine would collapse and Russian soldiers would be in Kyiv in days. This “wisdom” was buttressed in American media (including Fox News) by endless use of Russian propaganda film, with illegible disclaimers on screen showing the source of the bombastic pictures (Russia). The media’s presentation was all an illusion, having no connection to actual conditions on the ground. Why US media were presenting Russian disinformation I leave for you to decide.

Remember the “40-mile convoy of Russian tanks and trucks” that was going to encircle Kyiv? Destroyed by Ukrainian forces using British Nlaw weapons (developed by Britain jointly with Sweden, and manufactured in the UK). Ukrainians also received a clandestine boost from partisans in Belarus, who sabotaged Russian train lines into Ukraine.

The initial Russian air attacks were formidable, but soon tapered off as Ukrainian defenses developed familiarity.

Who benefited the Russians the most (apart from Putin's banker, Germany)? Initially Joe Biden refused to let Poland transfer old Migs to Ukraine; Biden tried to slow-walk shipments of weapons. Sleepy old Joe Biden's dithering last year had probably encouraged Putin to believe there would be no allied response to an invasion. (Biden apparently didn’t believe the CIA’s predictions of imminent hostilities.)

Ukrainian forces gradually began to receive more weapons, from both the US and UK. The war was real, not a video game. The tide imperceptibly shifted. Because of utterly horrible scenes such as Mariupol and Bucha, global public opinion also shifted.

British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace was keenly aware of the shift; he knew Ukrainians were turning back the “Soviet” attack. UK advisers were the first to return to Ukraine. British battlefield intelligence has consistently been the best. The seamless intelligence and coordination between the allies has stunned the Russians and encouraged other nations to join the coalition.

Casualties on both sides have been the worst since WW II. Russian troops brutally slaughtered their “brothers,” that they had ostensibly gone in to save. In defending their homes, Ukrainian forces devastated the worthless Russian army. Tens of thousands of Russians have perished or been grievously wounded. There are reports Russian officers have shot their own troops.

3. The current status of the conflict

Conventional wisdom still remains tilted in favor of some sort of Russian “victory,” especially along the Black Sea.

Even today, as this updated review is being published, the conventional weltanschauung is that Russia will somehow prevail. The conventional wisdom can’t accept the lightening changes on the battlefield.

This change in Ukrainian defense posture comes before the arrival of billions of dollars of new U S military supplies. Every few hours, around-the-clock, U S airplanes are landing in Poland with new weapons and ammunition for transfer to Ukraine. While Great Britain and some European countries have been superb with their support, no one can match the massive potential of American military aid.

In the days ahead, weapons will be pouring into Ukraine at a pace not seen since the Normandy landing in 1944. These weapons will all be focused on a tiny area of land where Russian troops will face this onslaught of firepower.

4. The New Face of War

As I said at my news conference, conventional wisdom is always looking backward. The armchair generals on CNN, MSNBC and Fox are retired officers who served in a very different military environment.

In the context of a Cold War confrontation, Russian forces looked formidable years ago. But that was then. Ukraine is now.

While every military has “cheated” by reducing defense expenditures, to the point where nations such as Germany have unilaterally disarmed from their robust posture decades ago, the Russian disarmament has been the most devastating. While Russia has a formidable nuclear arsenal, Soviet conventional forces, which have not faced a determined foe since 1945, are completely out of date. Russian bulwarks of the Cold War, such as Polish and Ukrainian troops, are long gone. They are now on the other side.

So what is the “new face” of war? Mobility, mobility, mobility. A Ukrainian force last week obliterated an entire Russian armored convoy, with massive loss of life. Russian air operations are virtually suspended, now that Ukrainian air defenses are being augmented. Russian missiles are still being fired, but for how long?

New weapons being used today may spell the end of armored divisions in the future (tanks) and enhance support for artillery units. Drones? The new masters of the battlefield. US defense posture will have to be reviewed.

The armchair generals of American media have no idea what is actually happening in combat. Instead, they orchestrate colorful maps which do not convey the dynamic conflict of today. Who predicted Ukrainian troops would have already pushed a salient all the way back to the Russian-Ukrainian border? No one. Who predicted the liberation of Kharkiv? (I did, but not in published comments.) No one.

What I initially found strange was the use of missiles by Russia, but then no genuine follow-up with troops on the ground to seize territory (some land has been seized, but nothing comparable to what was initially predicted). The Donbas is still contested. A handful of Ukrainian defenders in Mariupol delayed Russian advances for weeks.

While Ukrainians are still “defending” against a Russian attack, my view of the battlefield is radically different than the conventional wisdom.

My reporting indicates that some time around July 4th (nice day, that) Ukrainians will launch their “liberation” operation to reclaim territory stolen by Russia in 2014.

Having looked at the actual battlefield, and not the TV maps on American cable channels, I do not believe the Russian invasion is sustainable beyond the end of the year, if that long. Ukraine’s intelligence chief may have been listening in on my phone. I have been telling people the end of the year may bring the end of the war. Last week the chief intelligence officer agreed. (President Zelensky has not adopted a date, but he really can’t.)

And the weapons? America and Britain are rearming. New weapons are being produced. Poland has become our closest ally, the new capital of Europe. Sweden and Finland? Don’t mess with their militaries. Other nations are joining; they do not want to be left behind.

Putin, the incompetent “wartime leader,” is reputed to have taken control of operations in Ukraine, a disaster for Russian troops.

I completely reject the conventional wisdom. If I have to choose between Russian draftees equipped with Soviet era weaponry, and Ukrainian Freedom Fighters equipped with the latest in British, American (and even Turkish) weapons, count me unabashedly on the side of Ukraine.

From Kyiv, the capital of a free Ukraine.


Rédacteur en Chef,

Andy Martin


Other web sites for Andy Martin:


Andy Martin is a legendary New Hampshire, United States-based muckraker, author, Internet columnist, talk television pioneer, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. With over fifty (50) years of background in radio and television and with decades of intelligence, investigative and analytical experience in Washington, the USA and around the world, Andy provides insight on politics, foreign policy, military and intelligence matters. For a full bio, go to: See also;

Andy holds both Economics and Juris Doctor degrees from the University of Illinois and is a former adjunct professor of law at the City University of New York (LaGuardia CC, Bronx CC).

He is the author of “Obama: The Man Behind the Mask” [] and produced the Internet film “Obama: The Hawaii’ Years” []. Andy is the Executive Editor and publisher of the “Internet Powerhouse,” blogging at and

Andy’s family immigrated to Manchester, New Hampshire over 100 years ago; today he is New Hampshire’s leading corruption fighter and Republican Party reformer.


Andy’s opinion columns are posted at, and

[NOTES: We try to correct any typographical errors in our stories; find the latest version on our blogs and don’t hesitate to let us know if you find an error.

© Copyright by Andy Martin 2022 – All Rights Reserved

Monday, May 16, 2022

Warsaw, Poland News Conference - May 17, 2022 - American proposes Nobel Peace Prize for Poland


United States military and intelligence expert Andy Martin will hold a Warsaw news conference Tuesday, May 17, to announce he is asking the Nobel Peace Prize committee to award the Peace Prize to the People of Poland and the nation of Poland, collectively, for the role they have played in welcoming and assisting millions of Ukrainian refugees. “It’s as though the city of Chicago, Illinois, which has slightly less than 3 million residents, picked up and moved to Ohio or New Jersey, or Hounslow, UK,” Andy says. “Poland’s welcome is historic and deserves recognition by the Nobel Committee. Poland’s actions reflect the epitome of brotherhood and humanitarianism.”

Andy is also a New Hampshire, USA, conservative Republican U. S. Senate candidate. He has worked for decades in Washington and around the world on media and humanitarian matters as well as military and intelligence analysis.



Global News and Commentary

London, New York, Washington

The Internet Powerhouse”

Andy Martin, J.D.

Adjunct Professor of Law

Executive Editor and Producer

One of America’s most respected

independent intelligence analysts

and military investigators

Journalism that is factually correct,

not politically correct”



[Please feel free to post, repost and email this news release, with the copyright notice attached]


Where: Sidewalk in front of the Intercontinental Hotel, Warsaw.

When: May 17, 2022

Time: 3:00 P.M.

Disclaimer: Andy’s presence in front of the Intercontinental does not imply any connection to or endorsement from the hotel (although he endorses Intercontinental Hotels as his favorite place to stay)

(Warsaw, Poland)(May 16, 2022)

American conservative political activist and journalist Andy Martin, who has worked in Washington, DC for decades, will hold a Warsaw, Poland news conference Tuesday, May 17th to announce he is asking the Nobel committee to award the Peace Prize to the people of Poland and government collectively, for their historic embrace of millions of Ukrainian refugees.

I knew the gross statistics of what Poland has done, and how the Polish people have reacted,” Andy says. “But until I saw and experienced the welcome personally, I didn't realize how much it could mean to people displaced by an unexpected catastrophe. I believe the Nobel Committee should recognize the historic gesture of the Polish people by awarding the nation collectively the Peace Prize.

My mission to Ukraine has been a multifarious one. First, I have been a recognized journalist in the area of foreign policy. Second, as part of my trip I was asked to look at possible humanitarian needs that could be served through additional funding. Finally, as a conservative Republican who strongly endorses the USA effort to support Ukraine and NATO, I look at matters as a practical politician.

My recommendation for the Nobel Prize for Poland falls into the humanitarian sphere of my activity.

For over a quarter-century I have been involved in the deep background in fostering the so-called ‘Brexit’ departure, in which the UK left the EU. Unlike the tense relationship with Germany, the relationship between Great Britain and Poland is as strong as ever today. I believe Her Majesty's government may also join in my recommendation to the Nobel committee.

Finally, the Nobel Committee could append to its award a few words of encouragement and caution to the Polish government. It is not my job to comment on EU-Polish politics, or internal Polish politics. But the Nobel Committee could say, as part of its award, that the Committee encourages Poland to take the road of vigorous and open democracy, and not to be lured by the illusory benefits of authoritarianism. ‘Don’t miss this historic opening.’

I will have more to say about Poland’s bright future after I return to the United States and compile all of my interviews and records. But suffice it to say as someone who grew up in a community with a robust Polish-American presence, I am a loyal friend of Poland and thank them for their humanitarian efforts at this crucial time,” Andy will state.


Rédacteur en Chef,

Andy Martin



Andy Martin is a legendary New Hampshire, United States-based muckraker, author, Internet columnist, talk television pioneer, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. With over fifty (50) years of background in radio and television and with decades of intelligence, investigative and analytical experience in Washington, the USA and around the world, Andy provides insight on politics, foreign policy, military and intelligence matters. For a full bio, go to: See also;

Andy holds both Economics and Juris Doctor degrees from the University of Illinois and is a former adjunct professor of law at the City University of New York (LaGuardia CC, Bronx CC).

He is the author of “Obama: The Man Behind the Mask” [] and produced the Internet film “Obama: The Hawaii’ Years” []. Andy is the Executive Editor and publisher of the “Internet Powerhouse,” blogging at and

Andy’s family immigrated to Manchester, New Hampshire over 100 years ago; today he is New Hampshire’s leading corruption fighter and Republican Party reformer.

Other web sites for Andy Martin:


Andy’s opinion columns are posted at, and

[NOTES: We try to correct any typographical errors in our stories; find the latest version on our blogs and don’t hesitate to let us know if you find an error.

© Copyright by Andy Martin 2022 – All Rights Reserved

Friday, May 13, 2022

BREAKING NEWS – War crimes trial in Kyiv, Ukraine, May 13, 2022



United States military and intelligence analyst/investigator Andy Martin is in Kyiv, Ukraine for the start of war crimes prosecutions arising from Russian atrocities. Starting as a 10 year-old boy, Andy studied the Holocaust and the conditions under which human beings become capable of committing atrocities. Andy first came to national prominence during the My Lai Massacre, when he provided evidence of other mass killings in Viet-Nam.



Global News and Commentary

London, New York, Washington

The Internet Powerhouse”

Andy Martin, J.D.

Adjunct Professor of Law

Executive Editor and Producer

One of America’s most respected

independent intelligence analysts

and military investigators

Journalism that is factually correct,

not politically correct”



[Please feel free to post, repost and email this news release, with the copyright notice attached]

(Intercontinental Hotel)(Kyiv, Ukraine)(May 13, 2022)

Dear Reader:

Today the first war crimes trial of Russian atrocities began in Kyiv. This trial will be one of many, in Ukraine and at other international tribunals. For me, the start of the trial is a chilling day. To be here at the start of the momentous undertaking, putting the mass murders on trial, exploring questions raised by the Russian atrocities, takes me back to the origins of my early years.

Growing up, my spiritual father was Sigmund Neumann (see link [1] below), a brilliant political scientist who fled Germany at the beginning of the Holocaust. Dr. Neumann (he was always “Dr. Neumann”) had a special fondness for my mother. She was also one of his students. Both had served in OSS, America’s first spy agency. Every Friday, Dr. Neumann was at my family’s restaurant for dinner. Inevitably my mom and I were asked to join his table. Dr. Neumann had a sadness about him.

It was a heavy lift for a 10 year-old to learn that Neumann’s books had been burned by the Nazis. He got out early, when fleeing Germany was still easy. Starting from age 11, I became Dr. Neumann’s paperboy. There was always a cookie and soft drink at his modest home on the corner of High Street and Loveland Street when I came by with his paper. We also visited Neumann at Russell House, where he moved on the Wesleyan campus. He taught me to explore the Holocaust. I could read what Nazi Germany had done, but I lacked understanding. Later, in Viet-Nam as an analyst, investigator and journalist, I began to understand.

Through many wars and revolutions, I have gained a lot of comprehension about mass murder. Nevertheless, the atrocities of Russia and Germany during World War II stand apart, as historic examples of systemic national evil.

So it is with a special understanding that I watched the relentless atrocities committed by young Russians in Ukraine, mostly conscripted troops, across northern and eastern regions. What could possess a human being to commit an atrocity? A lifetime later, I am still searching for the answer. But now the first trial has begun in Kyiv.

During the Viet-Nam era, I was sometimes called to speak on the campus of the University of Illinois. In one forum, I was asked to compare My Lai to Babi Yar. While I was aware of the poem “Babi Yar” by Yevgeny Yevtushenko (please see Link [2] below), it meant nothing to me. (In those days, to research a topic you did not press a button; you went to the library.)

At Babi Yar, part of the City of Kyiv, German forces and their collaborators murdered over 100,000 Jews and other nationalities (please see link [3] below). You could say that in a spiritual sense, in 1941 Babi Yar became “ground zero” for understanding mass murder and atrocities.

I am staying at the Intercontinental Hotel, just a couple of miles from Babi Yar.

There is a cosmic sense of justice that war crimes trials in the latest outburst of insanity, Putin’s War, should begin just a short distance from the ghosts of Babi Yar.

This time, no one can plead ignorance, as the German nation did after World War II. This time, there are Ukrainian and international war crimes investigators (assisted by the FBI) on scene to research and document Putin’s atrocities.

Amazingly, this time there are often surveillance videos and other recordings of the murders. This time, the claim that no one can be held accountable because we are all responsible, cannot be applied.

The war criminals have started being brought to trial. Literally, the whole world is watching.

I understand how a soldier can be taught to kill. That’s what soldiers do. So purely military mayhem is understandable, apart from a lack of any justification for an invasion of Ukraine.

But what prompts a human being to commit mass murder or individual atrocities? While over 100,000 adults and children were murdered at Babi Yar, mostly Jews, most were shot at close range. I continue in my lifetime search for an understanding of this boundless evil.

In closing, I don’t wear my religion on my sleeve. After all, I have seen too much bloodshed in a long life. But I can truly tell you that my body trembled as I wrote these words. The spiritual cries of those helpless victims of antisemitism at Babi Yar, over 80 years ago, cried out to me. Their souls are restless, but they can rest in peace. They will never be forgotten. This time, the monsters will be held accountable. Babi Yar has not been forgotten.

From Kyiv, the capital of a free Ukraine.


Rédacteur en Chef,

Andy Martin


Links to this story:





Other web sites for Andy Martin:


Andy Martin is a legendary New Hampshire, United States-based muckraker, author, Internet columnist, talk television pioneer, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. With over fifty (50) years of background in radio and television and with decades of intelligence, investigative and analytical experience in Washington, the USA and around the world, Andy provides insight on politics, foreign policy, military and intelligence matters. For a full bio, go to: See also;

Andy holds both Economics and Juris Doctor degrees from the University of Illinois and is a former adjunct professor of law at the City University of New York (LaGuardia CC, Bronx CC).

He is the author of “Obama: The Man Behind the Mask” [] and produced the Internet film “Obama: The Hawaii’ Years” []. Andy is the Executive Editor and publisher of the “Internet Powerhouse,” blogging at and

Andy’s family immigrated to Manchester, New Hampshire over 100 years ago; today he is New Hampshire’s leading corruption fighter and Republican Party reformer.


Andy’s opinion columns are posted at, and

[NOTES: We try to correct any typographical errors in our stories; find the latest version on our blogs and don’t hesitate to let us know if you find an error.

© Copyright by Andy Martin 2022 – All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Kyiv, Ukraine News Conference - May 12, 2022 - THE NEW FACE OF WAR IN UKRAINE


United States military and intelligence analyst/investigator Andy Martin will hold a Kyiv news conference Thursday, May 12 to issue his first analysis on “The New Face of War” in Ukraine. Andy believes the conventional wisdom about the status of Putin’s War is mistaken, and that aid approved by Congress and signed by the President will demolish Russian forces by Christmas. “Russian leaders, who exist in a bubble, have no idea what is about to hit the invaders in Ukraine,” Andy says. Andy is also a New Hampshire, US Republican U. S. Senate candidate who has worked in Washington for many decades.



Global News and Commentary

London, New York, Washington

The Internet Powerhouse”

Andy Martin, J.D.

Adjunct Professor of Law

Executive Editor and Producer

One of America’s most respected

independent intelligence analysts

and military investigators

Journalism that is factually correct,

not politically correct”



[Please feel free to post, repost and email this news release, with the copyright notice attached]


Where: Sidewalk in front of the Intercontinental Hotel, Kyiv.

When: May 12, 2022

Time: 3:00 P.M.

Disclaimer: Andy’s presence in front of the Intercontinental does not imply any connection to or endorsement from the hotel (although he endorses Intercontinental Hotels as his favorite place to stay)

(Kyiv, Ukraine)(May 11, 2022)

Dear Reader:

Somewhere, up in the heavens, World War II American super-General George S. Patton, who may have been assassinated by Russian operatives, in smiling. After the end of the war in Europe, Patton stated that the U.S. should invade Eastern Europe to free the captive nations that had been surrendered to Soviet slavery by President Franklin Roosevelt. The backlash to Patton's remarks was immediate and intense. No one wanted more war, even though many agreed that the Soviet Union would some day have to be defeated in a subsequent conflict.

Vladimir Putin said May 9th that his invasion of Ukraine is a continuation of World War II. Putin has no idea what is about to hit him. Billions of dollars in American military assistance, skillfully employed by Ukrainian freedom fighters, is about to devastate the Russian invasion forces. Putin wants the Second World War back? He is about to get it. General Patton’s vision is being realized, 77 years later, by Ukrainian forces.

The convention wisdom is that Putin has been grabbing territory and pursuing his plan for the south and east of Ukraine, and that at some point Putin will satisfy his appetite for conquest and stop. The conventional wisdom is wrong.

The Ukrainian government has stated its policy is to remove the invaders from all of occupied Ukraine, including Crimea.

My blog, Contrarian Commentary, for decades has been questioning conventional wisdom and exposing the errors of politicians far removed from the battle.

Let me be candid: When I announced my trip to Ukraine in March, if you had told me Congress would vote $40 billion in expanded aid, I would have said “unlikely.” But Congress has now voted an avalanche of military and economic support for Ukraine.

America is moving towards a mobilization to defeat Putin, the second greatest threat to world peace. Weapons factories are reopening in the U.S. Production lines are being activated. America is once again the “Arsenal of Democracy.” The impact of Washington’s votes on Ukraine aid has yet to be understood and digested in Moscow and Berlin. The money amounts to the equivalent of a new post-war Marshall Plan. The free world cannot afford to lose. Ironically, America and the UK are mobilizing but Russia apparently is not.

The role played by the UK has been an incredible one. When America hesitated months ago, Great Britain stepped up to backstop the Ukrainians. British munitions factories are also going to be revived. The coming weapons flow is unlike anything seen since 1945. What is going to happen to all those rockets? Artillery shells? Drones? They are going to be targeted at Russians. Targeted at Russians.

To date, Putin has been playing his old games: changing street signs in Donbas, holding bogus elections to annex territory, the usual type of Soviet enslavement tactics. But Russian forces will subjected to firepower of a kind not seen since – of course – Patton’s Third Army slaughtered Germans, causing the Reich to finally collapse.

The successor to Patton’s Third Army is Ukrainian defense forces. Ukrainian defenders have pushed back Russian troops; as the flood of new weapons arrives, Russians will lack the means to defend their invasion gains.

Starting tomorrow, in a series entitled “The New Face of War,” I will explain how this war is different from any conflict since WW II, and why the conventional wisdom is wrong.

Unlike Korea, Viet-Nam and Afghanistan, American troops are not needed. In fact, Ukrainians have proven so skilled at deploying their exiting weapons that UK Defense Secretary Ben Wallace has said, only half-jokingly, that Ukrainians may need to start training British troops, not vice versa. Ukrainian tactics are already being adopted by U.S. forces.

I began in college as a military cadet, a Cold Warrior. Over the decades, from Saigon to Kyiv, I have been in war zones and conflicts. My experience is that the conventional wisdom usually looks backward. Wrong.

Ukrainians have no place to retreat. It is not Putin who is cornered; is the people of Ukraine whose homes have been destroyed by the most evil invading force since Germany’s Third Reich.

In the mid-1990’s, under brilliant British analysts, I began studying the European Union. Brexit was the product of their pioneering endeavors. Today the European Union has clay feet. French leader Macron is in love with himself; his phone calls to Putin are a travesty. Germany’s “Sergeant Schultz” (Hogan’s Heroes) Chancellor Scholz is a joke, effectively a Russian asset who pays billions of dollars to finance Putin’s atrocities. America and Britain have exposed the collaboration of French and German industrialists with Russia’s war machine. The head of Volkswagen is crying for appeasement and debasement. Sickening and disgraceful. But Ukrainian freedom fighters have called their bluff.

Other EU countries, and solid allies such as Poland, make France and Germany look small and irrelevant, an embarrassment to their own incompetence and impotence. Fox News’ Tucker Carlson’s Viktor Orban is, well, Orban. Carlson is a foreign policy jerk.

Please stay with us in the coming days for a “Contrarian” view of Putin’s War, from someone who has been right before, while the conventional wisdom was wrong, wrong, wrong.

From Kyiv, the capital of a free Ukraine.


Rédacteur en Chef,

Andy Martin



Andy Martin is a legendary New Hampshire, United States-based muckraker, author, Internet columnist, talk television pioneer, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. With over fifty (50) years of background in radio and television and with decades of intelligence, investigative and analytical experience in Washington, the USA and around the world, Andy provides insight on politics, foreign policy, military and intelligence matters. For a full bio, go to: See also;

Andy holds both Economics and Juris Doctor degrees from the University of Illinois and is a former adjunct professor of law at the City University of New York (LaGuardia CC, Bronx CC).

He is the author of “Obama: The Man Behind the Mask” [] and produced the Internet film “Obama: The Hawaii’ Years” []. Andy is the Executive Editor and publisher of the “Internet Powerhouse,” blogging at and

Andy’s family immigrated to Manchester, New Hampshire over 100 years ago; today he is New Hampshire’s leading corruption fighter and Republican Party reformer.

Other web sites for Andy Martin:


Andy’s opinion columns are posted at, and

[NOTES: We try to correct any typographical errors in our stories; find the latest version on our blogs and don’t hesitate to let us know if you find an error.

© Copyright by Andy Martin 2022 – All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Kyiv, Ukraine News Conference - May 11, 2022


United States analyst and investigator Andy Martin, who has a background in agricultural economics, will hold a Kyiv, Ukraine news conference Wednesday, May 11 to issue his initial prediction and analysis for Ukrainian grain production in the 2022 growing season. Andy predicts Ukrainian farmers will generally produce adequate resources. Contrarian Commentary is monitoring grain production because of its direct impact on world food supplies and indirect impact on the military situation. Andy is also a New Hampshire, US Republican U. S. Senate candidate.



Global News and Commentary

London, New York, Washington

The Internet Powerhouse”

Andy Martin, J.D.

Adjunct Professor of Law

Executive Editor and Producer

One of America’s most respected

independent intelligence analysts

and military investigators

Journalism that is factually correct,

not politically correct”



[Please feel free to post, repost and email this news release, with the copyright notice attached]


Where: Sidewalk in front of the Intercontinental Hotel, Kyiv.

When: May 11, 2022

Time: 3:00 P.M.

Disclaimer: Andy’s presence in front of the Intercontinental does not imply any connection to or endorsement from the hotel (although he endorses Intercontinental Hotels as his favorite places to stay)

(Kyiv, Ukraine)(May 10, 2022) “At the start of 2022, Ukraine was not on anyone’s economic radar,” says Andy Martin. “Today, Putin’s War is having a disruptive impact on the world economy. While we continue our traditional specialties, military and intelligence analysis, we feel economic disruption is a serious factor that must be added to the mix.

Ironically, my background in agricultural economics mirrors Ukraine's food production. At the University of Illinois, I studied intensive cultivation. I never sat on a tractor or wore overalls, but I was also an investor in Illinois farm land. Ukraine’s agriculture is similar to the Illinois model.

Obviously, weather predictions at this point are sketchy for the growing season. Production in the east and south is impeded by the war; but the parameters of combat are quickly changing. So we are in a position to make a series of rough initial estimates to guide policy makers in the UK, Europe and the United States. I am here in Ukraine, so I am on the scene.

The actual export markets are still too tenuous to predict.

While farming is not known as the world's oldest profession, agriculture has been around a very long time. Farmers are resourceful. In my New Hampshire, for example, farmers are already substituting ‘sludge,’ treated waste products, in place of more expensive fertilizer. Farmers everywhere are masters of substitution and improvisation.

There are obviously many sources of farm production information. But among the critical factors we are analyzing in Ukraine, I wanted to see the land –the soil- for myself.

We are on the ground where it counts.

In any event, you need a starting point, a debating point if you will, to develop a matrix of information about Ukraine's potential output in 2022. We will continue to be in close contact with our sources.

From London, the view appears pessimistic. In Washington, I am not sure they are paying attention to corn and wheat right now. But the politics is inescapable, which is where my political experience comes in. Will Russia be allowed to export grain? Will India buy ‘scab’ grain the same way it is buying scab oil? Will there be an embargo? Sanctions? We are on the cutting edge of gaming these issues. In the fight for freedom in Ukraine, food will be an essential weapon,” Andy will state.

Finally, as a purely speculative and intellectual proposition, because there was and is no rational explanation for Putin’s War, did Putin intend a gruesome form of economic warfare, seeking to damage Ukraine, a growing competitor? Interestingly, all of Putin’s damage to date is in areas vital to Ukraine’s agricultural economy.”



Andy Martin is a legendary New Hampshire, United States-based muckraker, author, Internet columnist, talk television pioneer, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. With over fifty (50) years of background in radio and television and with decades of intelligence, investigative and analytical experience in Washington, the USA and around the world, Andy provides insight on politics, foreign policy, military and intelligence matters. For a full bio, go to: See also;

Andy holds both Economics and Juris Doctor degrees from the University of Illinois and is a former adjunct professor of law at the City University of New York (LaGuardia CC, Bronx CC).

He is the author of “Obama: The Man Behind the Mask” [] and produced the Internet film “Obama: The Hawaii’ Years” []. Andy is the Executive Editor and publisher of the “Internet Powerhouse,” blogging at and

Andy’s family immigrated to Manchester, New Hampshire over 100 years ago; today he is New Hampshire’s leading corruption fighter and Republican Party reformer.

Other web sites for Andy Martin:


Andy’s opinion columns are posted at, and

[NOTES: We try to correct any typographical errors in our stories; find the latest version on our blogs and don’t hesitate to let us know if you find an error.

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