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Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Andy Martin discloses Barack Obama’s “family secrets”

U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin, the mere mention of whose name sends President Obama into fist-clenching rage, comments on the new “novel” by Barack Obama’s putative “half-brother.” The “war” between the two men, Barack Obama and Andy Martin, may escalate if Martin is elected to Obama’s former U. S. Senate seat and ends up in Washington challenging the president Martin has done so much to expose over the past five years.

U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin explains the myths about Barack Obama’s origins, and the enduring pain of Obama’s birth

Executive Editor

“Factually Correct, Not
Politically Correct”


Andy Martin says that for Barack Obama, the ignominy of his birth endures, the lack of identity shadows his every moment

Senate candidate Martin is Obama’s strongest and most persistent adversary on political matters; but Martin sympathizes with the man Andy calls “Barry O” as a human being

(CHICAGO)(November 5, 2009) Although I am currently a U. S. Senate candidate, and primarily focused of being nominated for the senate from Illinois, I can’t help commenting on the latest book by Barack Obama’s half brother:

Although Obama has done everything he can to destroy me personally and politically, I consider that a compliment. For some mysterious reason, I am the only person outside his immediate family who seems to have stumbled on the deep, emotional truth about his origins. Barack Obama’s “family secrets.” Obama hopes that by abusing and harassing me, he can rid himself of his demons. But the demons endure. They always will.

Barack Obama’s half brother, born of Obama’s “father’s" second "wife" in the United States, has produced a “novel” of extreme cruelty and abuse by his father.

Unfortunately, Obama won’t admit the truth about his parentage. He continues to harbor an extreme sense of personal shame. I explored Obama’s inner conflicts in columns which became my first book, “Obama: The Man Behind The Mask.”

The more I write the truth about Obama, and pursue a lawsuit in Hawai’i seeking release of his original, typewritten 1961 birth certificate, the more angry and anguished Obama becomes.

But while I am Obama’s leading political opponent in the current election cycle, and he fears my presence sitting in his former U. S. Senate seat from Illinois more than any other candidate, I have never been a personal opponent of the man.

If you read an Internet interview concerning my views, you will probably agree I share Obama’s sense of frustration at his origins.

Now that Obama is the president, it is Obama's inner demons that make him so reluctant to lead, so obsessed with “show” because his entire life has been a “show,” designed to deflect the truth about himself from himself, as well as from the public.

What are the facts about Barack Obama? What are his “family secrets?”

First, the man generally considered Barack Obama’s “father,”Barack Hussein Obama, Senior” is probably not Obama’s biological father. I want to label and underscore this paragraph as my opinion; I have not yet established the underlying DNA evidence to confirm my beliefs. I think Obama will some day admit to the world that, yes, Frank Marshall Davis was his biological father.

Obama’s book “Dreams From My Father” was not based on “dreams” about or from his “father” because Barack Obama was never a genuine father figure.

On the contrary, Barack Obama, Sr. was a lecher who moved from woman to woman, fathering children whose legal status remains questionable to this day. Obama, Sr. is supposed to have fathered eight children by four women.

Whether Frank Marshall Davis was the biological father, or not, “Frank” became Obama’s real father. Frank was the man to whom Obama has dedicated his life. Frank was a communist. Well, you get the picture.

Obama came to Chicago, where Frank was a close friend of journalist Vernon Jarrett and Louie Farrakhan, and other Black leaders. Frank’s “shining city on a hill" was Chicago, not Honolulu. It was to Chicago that Obama came to achieve fame and fortune, and it was Frank’s network of old friends who advanced Barack’s career.

In Hawaiian we would say that at a minimum Frank was “ohana.” “Ohana” is a concept that recognizes the impact and influence of “a village” on a person’s development. Ohana is extended family, including persons who are not necessarily blood relatives.

Even if you disagree with me that Frank Marshall Davis is the biological father (no one can disagree that Frank was Obama’s spiritual father), things get worse, not better, when we turn back to Barack, Sr.

The reality of Obama’s birth explains his enduring shame and frustration.

Obama was illegitimate or, as we say today, “nonmarital.” In 1961, the term was “illegitimate.” That was the word Barack eventually harbored inside himself. No doubt children at Punahou in Honolulu teased young Barack about his origins. Those painful memories endure.

Why was Obama illegitimate? Because his “father,” Barack Sr. was married to another women.

Barack, Sr. was married to Kezia Obama, with whom Obama had already fathered children before he left Kenya for Honolulu and Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Obama’s publicity agents and supporters pretend that Barack, Sr.’s first marriage was a Kenyan “tribal” marriage and thus not entitled to respect and recognition in the United States. That is simply untrue as a matter of U. S. law.

Barack Obama, Sr. was married in Kenya at a time when British law prevailed. When Kenya became a free nation in 1963, the new government recognized the prior efficacy of British law. British law respected and acknowledged tribal marriages. So while Obama tries to minimize or ignore his “father’s” “tribal" marriage, under British law the Kenyan marriage of Barack, Sr. was entirely legal and controlled his matrimonial status in Hawai'i. He had never divorced Kezia.

When Barack, Sr. entered into, or may have purported to enter into, a “marriage” in Honolulu with Ann Dunham, he was a bigamist. Barack Obama was the product of a bigamous relationship.

Under Hawaiian law, there is no way “Obama” could have been born an “Obama” if his mother was never legally married to his father. That may be one of the secrets Obama is hiding on his original 1961 birth certificate. Only the document itself will speak the truth.

As a lawyer, if not a great one, Obama knows and understands these basic legal principles. American law recognizes and generally gives “full faith and credit” to British law and marriages in U. S. Courts. A married man in Britain or Kenya could not have come to the United States in 1960 and lawfully claimed he was “unmarried.”

In defense of Obama's mother, she was 18 years old and probably too unsophisticated to understand what was happening to her.

So the Obama marriage in Honolulu, whether papered over with bogus documents and licenses or not, was a bigamous relationship in which Obama’s mother Ann Dunham never legally became Mrs. Barack Obama.

Under Hawai’i law, Obama is illegitimate, because his parents were never legally married, see Tagupa v. Tagupa, 108 Hawai’i 459, 121 P.3rd 924, 926 (Hawai’i ICA 2005). The relationship was void.

Obama’s half-brother may be in the same limbo. His mother also tried to ignore the “tribal” marriage; Barack, Sr. remained loyal to Kezia until his death. We can’t say for sure whether the first marriage was ever legally dissolved.

When stripped of all of his evasions and prevarications, the truth about Barack Obama is painfully straightforward, and painful nonetheless. Obama has lived with these inner demons all of his life, and they are the key to unlocking his personality.

And so, you can pick your theory. Either, as I believe, Frank Marshall Davis is Barack Obama’s father. The fact that Frank’s “secret” was never disclosed to his son while Frank was alive is an immense burden on Barack’s soul. Or, Barack Obama’s father was a bigamist, his mother was never legally married and he was born illegitimate. Under either approach, Obama was born into pain, and has endured that pain his entire life.

Obama has desperately attempted to shield the truth from the public, although the reality is that most Americans wouldn’t care about Obama’s unfortunate origins. We are too big a nation to blame a baby for the acts of his parents. But, still, Obama will not allow the truth about him to escape. He cannot release the inner pain. Obama cannot accept his inner shame.

And in the meantime, Obama unleashes his operatives to smear and harass my campaign for the U. S. Senate. Will Obama succeed in defeating me? Republicans will decide.

That is also why in October, 2008, as I was walking down a Honolulu street working on an interview with his grandmother, I learned Obama was on his way to Hawai’I to join me. Coincidence? You be the judge.

I had unlocked the family secrets of Barack Obama in Honolulu . And he will never forgive me for knowing the truth and telling the truth about him.

Of course, that is why the dynamics of a “U. S. Senator Andy Martin” in Washington provides such explosive potential for a dramatic confrontation between truth and fantasy in Obamaland.

I will always be deeply sympathetic to Barack Obama’s plight as a human being. But I lead the efforts to defeat and destroy his political programs and anti-American agenda.

Unless I end up like Saint Thomas à Becket.

And now back to the 2010 Republican Party primary election for U. S. Senator from Illinois. Wish me well.
Readers of Obama: The Man Behind The Mask, say the book is still the only gold standard and practical handbook on Barack Obama's unfitness for the presidency. Buy it.Book orders: or Immediate shipment from or signed copies (delayed for signing) from the publisher are available.
URGENT APPEAL: The Committee of One Million to Defeat Barack Obama raises money to oppose President Barack Obama's radical agenda and also to support Please give generously. Our ability to fight and defeat Barack Obama's political agenda is directly dependent on the generosity of every American."The Committee of One Million to Defeat Barack Obama has no bundlers, no fat cats and no illegal contributions. Obama is opposed to almost everything America stands for," says Executive Director Andy Martin. "But while Obama has raised a billion dollar slush fund, his opponents lack sufficient resources. Americans can either contribute now, or pay later. If we do not succeed, Obama will."
Andy Martin is a legendary Chicago muckraker, author, Internet columnist, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. He has over forty years of broadcasting background in radio and television and is the dean of Illinois media and communications. He is currently promoting his best-selling book, Obama: The Man Behind The Mask and producing the new Internet movie "Obama: The Hawai'i years." Andy is the Executive Editor and publisher of Martin comments on regional, national and world events with more than four decades of experience. He holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Illinois College of Law and is a former adjunct professor of law at the City University of New York.
UPDATES: Andy's columns are also posted at; [NOTE: We frequently correct typographical errors and additions/subtractions on our blogs, where you can find the latest edition of this release.] © Copyright by Andy Martin 2009.

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