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Friday, April 17, 2015

Obama scandal in Hawai’i: Andy Martin questions whether Barack Obama’s mystery mansion violates federal ethics laws

Barack Obama author/investigator has been conducting a special investigation into President Barack Obama-Davis’ possible “mystery mansion” in Hawai’i. Andy believes that the machinations involved in the purchase of the mystery mansion may have been an attempt to evade federal ethics laws, and that Penny Pritzker is really behind the Waimanalo residence deal. Andy’s field research raises troubling questions about whether Obama is crossing the line into Clinton-style conflict of interest territory. Is Obama too close to Pritzker and Marty Nesbitt, a hedge fund/private equity speculator who does business with federal government-related enterprises? Is there a quid pro quo, intentional or unconscious, lurking in the purchase of a mansion? Did Pritzker use Nesbitt, her long-time employee, as a front man? Is that why we had more than one real estate transfer? The lamestream Washington media, as usual, are incompetent and asleep.

“The Internet Powerhouse”
Andy Martin,  J. D.
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“Factually Correct, Not Politically Correct”

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Andy Martin exposes massive Obama scandal in Hawai’i: “Mystery mansion” may be part of a scheme to violate federal ethics laws involving Penny Pritzker

“This is a real ‘Chicago stinker,’ in Hawai’i,” Andy says

Obama author/investigator Andy Martin is in Hawai’i continuing his research into President Barack Obama’s origins and circle of friends, with new information straight from the files of the Honolulu Police Department

Andy says the “numbers do not add up” for Obama’s “mystery mansion” in Waimanalo

Andy says “The sleaze never sleeps” where Barack Obama-Davis and his Chicago cronies are concerned

(Honolulu, HI) (April 13, 2015) “What began as a Hawai’i real estate investigation morphed into a ‘Chicago sleaze’ mystery replete with conflicts of interests and other Clinton-Obama-style cronyism,” Andy says. “The Clintons have created a new paradigm for corruption, cronyism and self-dealing after leaving the White House. Obama, in having one of his Chicago pals buy a house in Honolulu (Waimanalo), in all probability with the illegal assistance of ‘silent partner’ Penny Pritzker, is tracking how public office and personal profit are intertwined in the post-Clinton Democratic Party.

“And, once again, we see how the ‘media,’ the self-styled and so-called ‘watchdogs,’ are egregiously failing the American people where the Clintons, the Obamas and the Pritzkers are concerned. Hillary and Bill and Michele and Barack are turning America into a banana republic, where the lines between ‘private’ and ‘public’ are erased.

“Before we get into the corruption, let’s start with the real estate. Take a look at link [1] below for Hawai’i for a TV report on the ‘Obama’ mansion purchase. Amazingly, you can still see a video of the home, see link [2], but get there quickly as the video is likely to be removed shortly after this column circulates. (Please send me a download if you download the video.)  

“Look at group link [3] below for more background on the house.

“Look at group link [4] for the ‘Chicago’ background of Obama-Davis’ ‘friend’ Martin Nesbitt, the man who ostensibly purchased the Hawai’i residence.

“Finally, look at group link [5] for Penny Pritzker’s history of involvement in buying Obama a Hawai’i home.

“What does the missing media ‘story’ of the mystery mansion in Hawai’i add up to? A clear case of Obama-Davis administration cronyism and corruption. Allow me to explain.” (quotes end at this point, but Andy commentary continues)

1. Nesbitt  I have no doubt that Martin Nesbitt is a wealthy person. But how wealthy? Wealthy enough to finance a “home” purchase thousands of miles from home? Nesbitt was a Pritzker family employee until 2012. The Pritzkers 100% owned his firm. Nesbitt may have had a bonus or override arrangement but it is unlikely he walked away from his parking garages with tens of millions of dollars. He only started a new firm in 2013.

2. Pritzker  Although I am not completely comfortable with the sourcing for the 2012 stories on Obama’s then-Hawai’i “mansion,” there certainly has been chatter that Penny Pritzker was behind a possible 2012 Obama mansion purchase. In 2012, Pritzker was a private citizen and using her money to fund a home purchase for the Obamas would not have violated federal law.

But Pritzker is now a federal official, and her involvement in any financial transaction – direct or indirect, explicit or implicit – would violate federal ethics laws. If Nesbitt was the sole purchaser of the Waimanalo mansion, why did he run the transaction through two (2) levels of real estate transfers? Normal buyers don’t buy a house, and then immediately transfer a house all over again. Nesbitt’s financial engineering was a front for someone operating in the background. Pritzker? She is the most likely suspect.

Pritzker used Nesbitt because she trusts him and because she can no longer be directly involved in providing a residence for the Obamas.

3. Nesbitt is a “Chicago” “player”  Nesbitt knows how the game is played in Chicago. While working for the Pritzkers he was appointed by the Daley Machine to supervise public housing in Chicago. In 2013 Mayor Rahm Emanuel, another Obama crony, appointed Nesbitt to a panel studying the sale of one of the city’s airports. Power is what power does in Chicago. Nesbitt’s private equity firm is stocked with Obama administration coat holders and is financed in part, by – surprise – The Illinois Municipal Retirement System. Nesbitt’s firm invests in – whatever – “health care,” an industry heavily regulated by the government and subject to constant influence peddling in the Obamacare era.

4. Why the media missed the Waimanalo mansion story  The media in Hawai’i are a joke. In Chicago, all of the great investigative reporters are dead or retired. Because I go back fifty years in Chicago politics (I served as an intern in the 1965 Illinois general Assembly) I am something of an anachronism myself.

Chicago media are also petty and parochial. They lionized Obama until recently, when they woke up and realized the Obamas were preparing to dump Chicago for the Big City after Obama leaves the White House. In reality, true media, with experienced investigative reporters no longer exist in America. That is why the corruption quotient of the Clintons, and now the Obamas, is skyrocketing. There are no “watchdogs’ among the self-styled media watchdogs.

The Obama-Nesbitt-Pritzker mansion deal has a Chicago-sized stink to it. Please help me follow up on this story.

LINKS TO THIS STORY (cut and paste the entire link below and not just the underlined portion):






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One author has called Andy Martin the “big kahuna” of the anti-[Barack] Obama movement. Another said “Andy Martin is revolutionizing journalism… [Andy] brings to online journalism what Rush Limbaugh [brings] to radio or Michael Moore to film: sleek little stories that fit into larger political narratives…” Another says, “The only American journalists that are ‘standing UP’ [to Obama] are, Andy Martin…”


Andy Martin is a legendary New Hampshire, New York and Chicago-based muckraker, author, Internet columnist, talk television pioneer, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. With forty-seven years of background in radio and television and with five decades of investigative and analytical experience in Washington, the USA and around the world Andy provides insight on politics, foreign policy, intelligence and military matters. For a full bio, go to:

Andy has also been a leading corruption fighter in American politics and courts for over forty-five years and is executive director of the National Anti-Corruption Policy Institute. See also;,

He holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Illinois College of Law and is a former adjunct professor of law at the City University of New York (LaGuardia CC, Bronx CC).

He is the author of “Obama: The Man Behind The Mask” [] and produced the Internet film “Obama: The Hawaii’ Years” []. Andy is the Executive Editor and publisher of the “Internet Powerhouse,” blogging at and

Andy’s family immigrated to Manchester, New Hampshire 100 years ago; today his home overlooks the Merrimack River and he lives around the corner from where he played as a small boy. He is New Hampshire’s leading corruption fighter and Republican Party reformer.


Andy’s columns are also posted at

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