Corruption fighter Andy Martin triggers avalanche of opposition to University of Illinois payoffs to Phyllis Wise
When National
corruption fighter Andy Martin advised the University of Illinois Board of
Trustees he was preparing to file suit to block payments to disgraced
Chancellor Phyllis Wise, he was alone in doing so. Within hours after Andy held
a Chicago news conference to announce
his litigation plans, an avalanche of people, including Illinois Governor Bruce
Rauner, joined Andy in asking the Trustees not to approve a payment to Wise.
Andy is continuing with his plans to sue if the Trustees issue an approval on
Wednesday. “Everyone was sitting on the sidelines until I acted as the ‘dam
buster’ and announced my plans to sue the University if Trustees surrendered to
a corrupt employee. In the wake of my news conference there has been an
avalanche of protests. My plan to go to the legislature if the Trustees thumb
their nose at Illinois taxpayers, should not be
considered an idle threat. I am leading the way for a rebirth of public
integrity in Illinois and across the nation.”
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Andy Martin, J.D.
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Corruption fighter Andy Martin’s campaign to block cash payments
and other benefits to disgraced Chancellor Phyllis Wise triggered an avalanche
of protests supporting Andy’s view that Wise was not owed any money or benefits
after she betrayed her fiduciary duties to the University of Illinois
If Trustees disregard opposition to the Wise payola, Andy predicts
the legislature will retaliate by eliminating any taxpayer support for the
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(Chicago ) (August 11, 2015 ) When
national corruption fighter Andy Martin advised the University of Illinois
Board of Trustees that he was preparing to file suit to block payments and
retirement benefits to disgraced Chancellor Phyllis Wise Andy was alone in
doing so. Within hours after Andy held a Chicago news conference to announce
his litigation plans, an avalanche of people, including Illinois Governor Bruce
Rauner, joined Andy in asking the Trustees not to approve a payment to Wise.
Andy is continuing with his plans to sue if the Trustees issue any approval on
Wednesday. “Everyone was sitting on the sidelines until I acted as the ‘dam
buster’ and announced my plans to sue the University if Trustees surrendered to
a corrupt employee,” Andy says. “In the wake of my news conference there has
been an avalanche of protests. My plan to go to the legislature if the Trustees
thumb their nose at Illinois taxpayers should not be
considered an idle threat. University funding will almost certainly be reduced
or eliminated if Trustees ignore their own fiduciary duties to act on behalf
the taxpayers and stakeholders. My efforts are helping to lead the way for a
rebirth of public integrity in Illinois and across the nation.”
LINKS TO THIS STORY (cut and paste
the entire link below and not just the underlined
citations after emailing:
author has called Andy Martin the “big kahuna” of the anti-[Barack] Obama
movement. Another said “Andy Martin is revolutionizing journalism… [Andy]
brings to online journalism what Rush Limbaugh [brings] to radio or Michael
Moore to film: sleek little stories that fit into larger political narratives…”
Another says, “The only American journalists that are ‘standing UP’ [to Obama]
are, Andy Martin…”
Martin is a legendary New Hampshire , New York and
Chicago-based muckraker, author, Internet columnist, talk television pioneer,
radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. With forty-seven years of
background in radio and television and with five decades of investigative and
analytical experience in Washington , the USA and around the
world, Andy provides insight on politics, foreign policy, intelligence and
military matters. For a full bio, go to:;
also see
Andy has also been a leading corruption fighter in
American politics and courts for over forty-five years and is executive
director of the National Anti-Corruption Policy Institute. See also;
He holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University
of Illinois College of Law and is a former adjunct professor of law at the City
University of New York (LaGuardia CC, Bronx CC).
is the author of “Obama: The Man Behind The Mask” []
and produced the Internet film “Obama: The Hawaii’ Years”
[]. Andy is the Executive Editor and publisher of the
“Internet Powerhouse,” blogging at
family immigrated to Manchester , New Hampshire 100 years ago;
today his home overlooks the Merrimack River and he lives
around the corner from where he played as a small boy. He is New Hampshire ’s leading
corruption fighter and Republican Party reformer.
Andy’s columns are also posted at
[NOTE: We try to correct any typographical errors in our stories; find the latest version on our blogs.]
Copyright by Andy Martin 2015 – All Rights Reserved
Labels: Andy Martin, Edward L. McMillan, freedom of information, Phyllis Wise, Timothy L. Kileen, University of Illinois,